Magnetic Personality Mic (2nd Edition)

$25.00 - $99.00

The Magnetic Personality Mic is a contact microphone with a desire for adherence. Some of you might remember an earlier iteration of the MPM featuring the standard cable & plug combo. This new version is terminated to a quarter inch jack, making it much less cumbersome and, dare we say, a bit stronger. Like the original MPM, the not-so-secret charm is the magnet, which is mounted directly to the piezo disc via suction cup tape. This STRONG ceramic ferrite ring-style magnet will hang onto any and all things magnetic: file cabinets, folding chairs, automobiles, bicycles, doorknobs, and can even lift small objects such as scissors, measuring tape, slinkies - you name it. At the end of the day, the MPM will smartly display your to-do lists on the refrigerator.

Lookie here, a video!

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