Plug NC Contact Microphone

$12.00 - $22.00

The Plug NC is our budget plug & play contact microphone, and is terminated with a quarter inch jack. A hefty glob of silicone and heat shrink is added for additional reinforcement, adding durability and heft to the piezo element. While the Plug NC is similar to its brethren, the Plug SP and Plug Ugly, it features slightly different components that we scored from a liquidation sale - ergo, the low price. By no means does this imply that we skimped on quality; we stand by all our products as being able to serve the whiles and ways of the consummate experimental artist. Yup, it's Sturgeon approved!

Alas, the Plug NC does not ship with a cable. But you knew that.

All our items ship within 2 weeks upon receiving payment. Thanks for your patience!