TK External (Lofi Looper & Pitch Shifter/Beta Series)


The TK External is a lofi pitch shifting looper, and is a variation of our original Temporal Knob Twirler. The TK utilizes the same ISD 1820 voice module, powered by a pair of AA batteries. The TK parts ways with the Temporal with a new playback & record button setup. It also has increased mileage in terms of being able to lay down a walloping 8-10 second sample, vs the original 5 second recording time. The center knob changes the pitch of the loop.

The standout improvement is the addition of an external input, allowing one to sample everything from contact mics to radios to line level sources. What's also kinda cool is that the TK will merge the sound from the onboard mic when using low impedance sources, essentially blending the two signals; whereas line level sources definitely take charge. It's important to keep in mind that the TK is still a grungy sounding recorder, but hey, that's how we roll. Both the input and output jacks are terminated to standard quarter inch.

The following track features the TK External matching samples alongside our original Temporal Knob Twirler.

And in this little featurette, the TK marries a Trogotronic 669 with our very own Bad Day Box. Who knew?

The TK External is a beta device, which means that it's still in development and other improvements could happen down the road. The present model seen here is housed in a plastic enclosure measuring approximately 4 x 3 x 1 inches. The enclosure is on the squishy side, i.e., not the toughest cat in the neighborhood, so it won't fare well if it's going to be bouncing around with guitar pedals in your travel case! Button & knob colors (as well as glue smudges) will vary from the photos, too, as these are determined by chance operation procedures.

Like all our goodies, the TK External ships within 1-2 weeks upon ordering. We thank you for your patience.