BB Bouquet (Tremulous Teething Tactic/Beta Series)


Following on the heels of our Spring Bouquet, the BB Bouquet instills a similar vibratory countenance housed in a smaller package. The BB consists of three compression & extension springs as well as an alligator clip; all of which are soldered directly onto a piezo, allowing for maximum sonic punch. This particular Bouquet is enclosed in a tidy, palm-sized plastic project box, terminated to a quarter inch jack. A push button momentary switch tops things off, adding the potential for dynamic stop/starts in one's soundscrape scenarios.

So where's all it fit in? We like to think of the BB Bouquet as a hybrid residing somewhere between the aforementioned Spring Bouquet coupled with the teething grabbiness of our Tiny Bite Contact Microphone. With its mandibles opening up all sorts of mouthwatering possibilities, the BB Bouquet is a not just a champion noise shaker blasting through face melting distortion, but also a something of an electroacoustic beast - chomping onto guitar strings, slinkies, rosined twine, tree branches, garden rakes, kitchen cutlery, silver spoons, jacket zippers, bicycle spokes, wire fences - and that's just an appetizer. Who knows where you'll use it!

Here's a quick video from our workshop. Psychedelics not required.

The BB Bouquet is a part of our beta series. These are microphones, devices, and prototypes that we're working on, experimenting with, and might shelve for whatever reason. As a result they're sold as is.

Cable and adapter not included.