Our story

We've been building contact microphones since the early 1990's. It started as an art school thing; we had heaps of sonic & conceptual ideas but not the financial means or access to what could be called "proper" tools. This resulted in frequent trips to thrift stores, dumpsters, and if we had a little extra cash, Radio Shack - anything it took to get our projects and up and running and sounding cool. Our DIY approach continued to evolve over the years, both as a sound-making artist and as a technician working for audio component manufacturers. The combination of experimental tinkering and professional employment eventually led to developing our own product line of microphones; not only were we using these devices for recordings and on tour, there were also a growing number of inquiries on how to purchase them.

Fast-forward to 2007. We started Huso Solutions as an official small business so as to better promote our inventory of homemade transducers, shaker boxes, vocal mics, weirdo gadgets, and of course, contact microphones.

Our workshops in midcoast Maine (above) and California (below).